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Woman standing amid three of her paintingsJacqueline Stanley
Houston, TX

Jacqueline Stanley integrates her considerable artistic talent, her love of the ocean, and her passion for teaching to excite and educate others. 

After Scuba diving in the sanctuary to explore the coral reef cap, she wanted to learn more about both the coral reef caps and the deeper coral habitats.  Jacqui reached out to the research coordinator and was soon viewing video footage of the areas in the sanctuary too deep to explore via recreational SCUBA diving. 

She was so inspired that she created two original pieces of art titled Hidden Highways, which she donated to Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary.  This art was used as the basis for the sanctuary's most recent poster

Colorful painting of deepwater animals and plants of Flower Garden Banks National Marine SanctuaryJacqui is always ready and willing to support sanctuary events featuring her artwork, such as the R/V Manta dedication ceremony or Galveston ArtWalk where she graciously signed Hidden Highway posters for participants.

Jacqui also features Flower Garden Banks in her programs to students in the Houston area.  She uses her art and story telling skills to teach them about ocean and coral reef conservation, and the sanctuary in particular.

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Jacqui is currently working with sanctuary staff to develop a kindergarten classroom module about Flower Garden Banks so that other teachers can benefit from her knowledge and talent.  Her long range goal includes creating modules for every grade level so that each builds on the one before it. 

And, on top of all these contributions, Jacqui is an active member of the Sanctuary Advisory Council.

Display of aboriginal art created by school students to illustrate Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary
Display of artwork created by some of Jacqui's Houston
students to illustrate what they learned about
the sanctuary. Photo: J. Stanley

Jacqui's work has touched audiences that the sanctuary staff could not hope to reach and has introduced an entirely new element, visual art, into the education and outreach program. 


As part of her Volunteer of the Year award, Jacqui was invited to attend Capitol Hill Ocean Week (CHOW) in Washington, D.C.

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National Marine Sanctuary logo - a stylized whale tail above waves