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Looking for information about the sanctuary's Management Plan Review? Need to find out about sanctuary regulations? You’ve come to the right place.

General Management Information
2012 Managment Plan
Workshop Presentations

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1991 Flower Garden Banks Final Management Plan and final Environmental Impact Statement (9.6MB pdf)
- original management plan documents leading to the establishment of the sanctuary in 1992. 2012 Management Plan information below.

Federal Register Notice of Sanctuary Designation and Regulations, December 5, 1991, 56 FR 63634 (3.8MB pdf)

1996 Stetson Bank Amendment (256kb pdf)
- Federal Register: modifies sanctuary boundaries to include Stetson Bank (1996)

2006 State of the Sanctuary Report (1.4MB pdf)
- a report on the status of the sanctuary as of 2006 when the sanctuary's Management Plan Review began

National Marine Sanctuaries Act - Federal Register (160kb pdf)

National Marine Sanctuaries Act Legislative History (36kb pdf)

A listing of all Federal Register Notices associated with National Marine Sanctuaries is available on the national website at

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2012 Management Plan (DMP) Low Resolution (2.8MB pdf)

2012 Management Plan (DMP) High Resolution (5.2MB pdf)

2012 Environmental Assessment Low Resolution (1.0MB pdf)

2012 Environmental Assessment High Resolution (2.6MB pdf)

2012 Management Plan by Chapters:

About This Document (71kb pdf)
Table of Contents (107kb pdf)
Executive Summary (115kb pdf)
Introduction (192kb pdf)
Sanctuary Setting (1.6MB pdf)
Action Plans Introduction (121kb pdf)
Sanctuary Expansion Action Plan (308kb pdf)
Education and Outreach Action Plan (204kb pdf)
Research and Monitoring Action Plan (438kb pdf)
Resource Protection Action Plan (231kb pdf)
Visitor Use Action Plan (279kb pdf)
Operations and Administration Action Plan (302kb pdf)
Summary of the Programmatic Environmental Assessment (98kb pdf)
References (72kb pdf)
Appendix I - National Marine Sanctuary Act (421kb pdf)
Appendix II - FGBNMS Regulations (153kb pdf)

Federal Register Notice (244kb pdf) - Final rule; Public Availability of Final Management Plan and Environmental Assessment (April 27, 2012)


Regulations, FGBNMS section (60kb pdf) - Updated Subpart L, outlining only regulations specific to Flower Garden Banks NMS (April 2012).

Regulations, Final Rule 2012 (111kb pdf) - Explanation of revisions to FGBNMS regulations in conjunction with release of 2012 Management Plan and Environmental Assessment (April 2012).

Regulations, summary (137kb pdf)
- a two page summary of the regulations most likely to be applicable to individual visitors to the sanctuary; not a comprehensive summary (2012)

Regulations, NMSP (364kb pdf) - excerpt from Code of Federal Regulations detailing regulations applicable to the National Marine Sanctuary Program; Flower Garden Banks NMS regulations are in Subpart L (2007)

Regulations, No Anchoring Amendment (44kb pdf)
- Federal Register: modifies regulations to allow no anchoring in sanctuary, in accordance with International Maritime Organization's International No Anchoring Area designation (2001)

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weather report observations cool stuff get wet

Bright green, leafy algae that looks like small lettuce leaves.
National Marine Sanctuary logo - a stylized whale tail above waves