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Ed the Bear, a plush ocean ambassador for ocean conservation, travels around the world to explore marine ecosystems, then blogs about his adventures.

Throughout 2010, he toured the National Marine Sanctuary System (NMSS) with Sanctuary Sam, spending approximately 2 weeks at each location.

Below are some photos documenting his Ed-ventures in Galveston, May 10-21, 2010.

Click on a picture below to see a larger, hi-resolution image
Photo credits: FGBNMS

Entry sign for FGBNMS offices with a plush bear on the left and a plush sea lion on the right.
Ed and Sanctuary Sam stop in at FGBNMS headquarters for a visit.

Plush bear toy in a sealed acrylic container modeled to look like a submersible.  In front of the submersible is an underwater camera set up with lights on either side.
Ed checks out the underwater camera equipment from his own submersible.

A plush bear toy in a sealed acrylic container underwater with a camera and lights.
In a swimming pool, Ed helps the researchers make sure the camera gear used for monitoring is ready for action.
Plush bear toy in a sealed acrylic container underwater.  Dive weights are holding the container at the bottom of a pool.
Ed's submersible, crafted by sanctuary volunteers in California, uses dive weights for ballast.
A plush sea lion toy sits on a surf board floating in a pool, while a plush bear toy is in a sealed acrylic container on the bottom below.
Sanctuary Sam, Ed's travel companion, keeps an eye on things from the surface of a pool, while Ed explores below with his submersible.
A plush bear toy sits at an open notebook with a pen leaning agains his arm.  The bear is wearing a TX flag t-shirt and a sanctuary volunteer name tag.
Ed signs in for his research trip on board the R/V Manta.
A plush sea lion toy sits on the bottom of two bunk beds to the right.  A plush bear toy sits on the open door of a storage cupboard to the left.
Ed and Sam get settled in their bunkroom on board the R/V Manta.
A plush bear sits with a plush sea lion in the Captains chair in front of a steering wheel and control panel for a boat.
Ed and Sam check out the view from the pilot house of the R/V Manta.

A plush bear toy sits on a stool with a plush sea lion toy in front of all the controls for a remotely operated vehicle.  The controls occupy 3 large cases sitting on a countertop.
Ed and Sam are intrigued by the ROV controls set up in the dry lab on board the R/V Manta.

A plush bear toy wearing a hard hat and life jacket sits on the deck of a boat next to a scuba tank.
Ed checks on a dive tank on board the R/V Manta. Hard hats and PFDs are required gear when working on deck.
A large white NOAA ship tied up to a pier.
The NOAA Ship Thomas Jefferson was in port while Ed was in town, so he and Sam visited there as well.

weather report observations cool stuff get wet

Juvenile blue tang (fish).  Bright yellow body with irridescent blue marking around eye and at top edge of dorsal fin.
National Marine Sanctuary logo - a stylized whale tail above waves