Want to know more about the cool, colorful, coral reefs of the northern Gulf? You’re in the right place! From questions to stump your friends to fun activities that you can download, we've got you covered. You’ll even find links to other NOAA student pages.
Did You Know?

Northernmost Reefs in the Continental U.S.
Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary (NMS) contains the northernmost coral reefs in the continental United States. The closest coral reefs to FGBNMS are found off the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico.

Golden Smooth Trunkfish
Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary is one of only two places in the world where you can find the golden phase of the smooth trunkfish. The other place is the Bay Islands of Honduras.

Magnificent Whale Sharks
Whale sharks, the largest fish in the world, often cruise through Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary in the summer. Check out this whale shark's size compared to the snorkeler just behind it.

Huge Coral
Reef-building coral covers about 52% of the sea floor in Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary. Some of the brain and star coral colonies on the reef, like this one, are as big as small cars!

Large Watershed
Water from 31 of the United States flows into the Gulf. That's more than the combined number of states whose water flows into the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans!

Only Sanctuary in the Gulf
There are 14 sites in the National Marine Sanctuary System, but Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary is the only one in the Gulf.
Word Puzzles

Coral Crossword Puzzle
Grades 5-12
Learn about coral reefs and Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary by solving 22 crossword puzzle clues. (220kb)
For more information on this topic, please visit our Coral Basics page.

Coral Word Search
Grades 5-12
Search and find 32 words about coral reefs and Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary in a grid of letters. (1.5MB)
For more information on this topic, please visit our Coral Basics page.

Zooxanthellae Words
Grades 6-12
How many words can you make using the letters in the word "Zooxanthellae." (77kb)
For more information on this topic, please visit our Coral Basics page.

Critter Collage
Grades K-12
See how many of these reef creatures you can identify in this collage of images from the shallow parts of the sanctuary. Use the answer key to check your work and learn more about these animals. (4.7MB)
To learn more about species in the sanctuary, please visit our Species List page.

Critter Collage II
Grades K-12
See how many of these reef creatures you can identify in this collage of images from the deeper parts of the sanctuary. Use the answer key to check your work and learn more about these plants and animals. (1.7MB)
To learn more about species in the sanctuary, please visit our Species List page.

Day/Night Wheel
Grades K-2
Cut out and piece together a paper wheel that illustrates which animals are active on the reef during the day and which are active at night. (1.9MB)

Reef Scene Coloring Page
Grades K-12
How many animals can you color and identify in this busy reef scene? (217kb)
To learn more about species in the sanctuary, please visit our Species List page.

Sanctuary Alphabet
Grades 3-12
Search for each alphabet letter shape, from A to Z, in these colorful images from the sanctuary. (8.5MB)

Splitting Polyp Coloring Page
Grades K-12
Color a coral polyp that is splitting in two to clone itself and build a colony. (213kb)
For more information on this topic, please visit our Coral Spawning page.
Holiday Fun

Fish of July
A sanctuary version of the U.S. flag made with images of coneys (grouper species) and murexes (sea snails) to help celebrate Independence Day.
To learn more about species in the sanctuary, please visit our Species List page.

Gifts of the Season
A trio of colorful gifts highlighting the sanctuary's holiday specialties: snow (coral spawning), angels (angelfish) and Christmas trees (worms). (658kb)
To learn more about species in the sanctuary, please visit our Species List page.

Halloween Treat
A fun piece for Halloween. See if you can identify the animal images that make up this Candy Corn treat. Need help? Clue 1, Clue 2, Clue 3. (745kb)
To learn more about species in the sanctuary, please visit our Species List page.

Manta Claus
You better watch out. You better not cry. You better not pout, I'm telling you why. Manta Claus is coming to town!
To learn more about species in the sanctuary, please visit our Species List page.

Poinsettia Power
A holiday greeting with a biological twist. The flower petals (bracts), leaves and center were created from images of sanctuary wildlife. A key is provided.
To learn more about species in the sanctuary, please visit our Species List page.

Santa Claws
A quick reminder that he's making a list. He's checking it twice. Gonna find out who's naughty or nice (to our reefs). Santa Claws is coming to town!
To learn more about species in the sanctuary, please visit our Species List page.

Seasons Tweetings
Believe it or not, there are more songbirds than seabirds in our sanctuary species list. These colorful tweeters migrate across the Gulf twice a year.
To learn more about species in the sanctuary, please visit our Species List page.

Worm Wishes
Oh,Christmas Tree! Oh, Christmas Tree! Who knew worms could be so beautiful? Worm wishes for a Happy Holiday Season!
To learn more about species in the sanctuary, please visit our Species List page.
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