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Monitoring, in many different forms, is an essential part of the science efforts at Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary. Click on the links below to visit each of the following categories on this page:

Water Quality

Long-Term Monitoring

Coral Bleaching

Coral Spawning

Coral Coring - Paleoclimatology

Hurricanes & Tropical Storms


During each cruise, opportunistic temperature and salinity profiles are measured by staff researchers using a YSI probe deployed by hand. These data compliment the data collected by stationary water quality instruments on the sea floor at each bank by giving additional information about the conditions at the surface and throughout the water column.

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The three banks of Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary are monitored on an annual basis as part of a Long-term Monitoring program. This program, which first began at East and West Flower Garden Banks, is one of the longest long-term monitoring programs of a coral reef anywhere in the world!

For more information on long-term monitoring activities and reports, please click on the links below.

Long-term Monitoring: East and West Flower Garden Banks

Long-term Monitoring: Stetson Bank

Long-term Monitoring Reports

In addition, raw and processed data from annual long-term monitoring is now being stored with NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information. Due to the size of these data sets, it will be some time before all years are available.

2019 Stetson Bank Long-Term Monitoring Data Sets

2018 Stetson Bank Long-Term Monitoring Data Sets

2016 Stetson Bank Long-Term Monitoring Data Sets

2014 Stetson Bank Long-Term Monitoring Data Sets

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weather report observations cool stuff get wet

Orange, branching gorgonian (soft coral) anchored in a bed of sponges and other sea life.
National Marine Sanctuary logo - a stylized whale tail above waves