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Brown Algae
Green Algae
Red Algae
Brown Alga List
The following brown algae are found within the coral cap region of the sanctuary (0-130 ft, 0-40m deep). Common names are listed, if known.
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Green Alga List
The following green algae are found within the coral cap region of the sanctuary (0-130 ft, 0-40m deep). Common names are listed, if known.
Green Algae
Common Name |
Scientific Name |
Anadyomene lacerata |
Boodelopsis pusilla |
Bryopsis plumosa |
Bryopsis pennata |
Caulerpa microphysa |
Caulerpa peltata |
Green Grape Alga
Caulerpa racemosa v. macrophysa |
Cladophora cf. repens |
Cladophoropsis membranacea |
Codium decorticatum |
Dead Man's Fingers |
Codium isthmocladum |
Codium taylori |
Derbesia cf. marina |
Entocladia viridis |
Large Leaf Watercress Alga |
Halimeda discoidea |
Halimeda gracilis |
Green Net Alga |
Microdictyon boergesenii |
Spindleweed, Fuzzy Tip Alga |
Neomeris annulata |
Struvea sp. |
Udotea flabellum |
Ulva lactuca |
Ulvella lens |
Elongated Sea Pearls |
Valonia macrophysa |
Valonia ventricosa |
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Red Alga List
The following red algae are found within the coral cap region of the sanctuary (0-130 ft, 0-40m deep). Common names are listed, if known.
Red Algae
Common Name |
Scientific Name |
Asparagopsis taxiformis |
Y-twig Alga |
Amphiroa rigida v. antillana |
Flat Twig Alga |
Amphiroa tribulus |
Anotrichium tenue |
Antithamnion antillanum |
Apoglossum ruscifolium |
Archaeolithothamnion sp. |
Audouinella sp. |
Botryocladia occidentalis |
Botryocladia pyriformis |
Callithamniella tingitana |
Callithamnion cf. halliae |
Centroceras clavulatum |
Ceramiun flaccidum |
Champia parvula |
Chondria cnicophylla |
Chrysymenia enteromorpha |
Chrysymenia halymenioides |
Coelarthrum albertisii |
Compsothamnion thyoides |
Crouania attenuata |
Cryptonemia luxurians |
Dasya corymbifera |
Diplothamnion jolyi |
Erythrocladia endophloae |
Erythrotrichia carnea |
Fauchea hassleri |
Fauchea peltata |
Fosliella farinosa |
Galaxaura cylindrica |
Galaxaura oblongata |
Galaxaura obtusata |
Gelidium pusillum |
Gracilaria sp. |
Grateloupia filicina |
Griffithsia globulifera |
Griffithsia heteromorpha |
Halymenia floresia |
Herposiphonia secunda f. tenella |
Hydrolithon farinosum |
Hypnea volubilis |
Hypoglossum rhizophorum |
Hypoglossum tenuifolium |
Jania capillacea |
Kallymenia westii |
Laurencia chondrioides |
Lithophyllum bermudense |
Lithoporella sp. |
Lithothamnium cf. sejunctum |
Martensia hickersonii |

This algae is flourescent orange when decomposing
Martensia pavonia |
Mesophyllum sp. |
Nemalion schrammi |
Peyssonnelia inamoena |
Peyssonnelia rubra |
Burgundy Crust Alga |
Peyssonnelia simulans |
Pneophyllum lejolisii |
Polysiphonia denudata |
Polysiphonia flaccidissima |
Polysiphonia gorgoniae |
Polysiphonia tepida |
Pterocladia bartlettii |
Rhodymenia occidentalis |
Rhodymenia pseudopalmata |
Sahlingia subintegra |
Scinaia complanata v. intermedia |
Spermothamnion investiens |
Spyridia filamentosa |
Taenioma nanum |
Tenarea sp. |
Titanophora incrustans |
Wrangelia argus |
Wurdemannia miniata |
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