Video of Sanctuary Invertebrates - This includes a variety of crustaceans, mollusks, jellies, echinoderms, and worms.
All of the following cnidarians are found within the coral cap region of the sanctuary (0-130 ft, 0-40m deep). Common names are listed, if known.
Click on a link below to jump directly to a specific cnidarian category:
Stony (Hard) Corals
Tube Anemones
Common Name |
Scientific Name |
Pale Anemone Giant |
Aiptasia pallida |
Caribbean (Giant) Anemone
Condylactis gigantea |
Hidden Anemone
Lebrunia coralligens |
Stinging/Branching Anemone |
Lebrunia danae |
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Common Name |
Scientific Name |
Branching Fire Coral

Millepora alcicornis |
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Common Name |
Scientific Name |
Aglaophenia elongata |
Feather Plume Hydroid |
Aglaophenia latecarinata |
Bimeria sp. |
Bougainvillia sp. |
Clytia cylindrica |
Clytia noliformis |
Gonothyraea gracilis |
Monostaechas sp. |
Sea Thread Hydroid |
Obelia dichotoma |
Knotted Thread Hydroid |
Obelia geniculata |
Pennaria disticha |
Plumularia corrugata |
Plumularia diaphana |
Plumularia margaretta |
Sertularia dalmasi |
Sertularia mayeri |
Thyroscyphus marginatus |
Zanclea costata |
Zygophylax convallarius |
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Common Name |
Scientific Name |
Moon Jelly

Aurelia aurita
Warty Sea Wasp |
Carybdaea marsupialis |
Sea Nettle

Chrysaora quinquicirrha |
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A pictorial Coral Guide (5MB pdf, pictured above) is also available for download and may be laminated for field work.

Coral polyps (Image: FGBNMS/Schmahl)
Stony Corals
Common Name |
Scientific Name |
Elkhorn Coral
Threatened Species (2006)

Only two (2) known colonies
in the sanctuary. |
Acropora palmata |
Lettuce Coral  |
Agaricia (Undaria) agaricites |
Fragile Saucer Coral

Agaricia fragilis |
Colpophyllia amaranthus |
Boulder Brain Coral

(close up)

(young colony)

(young colony)

Colpophyllia natans |
Hat Coral 
Helioseris cucullata
Ten-ray Star Coral

Madracis decactis
Yellow Pencil Coral

Madracis auretenra (mirabilis)
Madracis brueggemanni |
Great Star Coral

(multiple colonies)

(polyps extended)

(close up)

(new recruit)
Montastraea cavernosa
Spiny Flower Coral

(close up)

(individual polyp)

(part dead, part alive)

Mussa angulosa
Diffuse Ivory Bush Coral
Oculina diffusa
Lobed Star Coral
Threatened Species (2014)

(O. faveolata center, O. annularis right and left)
Orbicella (Montastraea) annularis
Mountainous Star Coral
Threatened Species (2014)

(polyps extended)
Orbicella (Montastraea) faveolata |
Boulder Star Coral
Threatened Species (2014)

(close up)
Orbicella (Montastraea) franksi
Mustard Hill Coral

(close up)
Porites astreoides
Finger Coral

Porites furcata
Symmetrical Brain Coral

Pseudodiploria (Diploria) strigosa |
Speckled Cup Coral |
Rhizosmilia maculata
Artichoke Coral

Scolymia cubensis |
Lesser Starlet Coral
Siderastrea radians |
Massive Starlet Coral
Siderastrea siderea |
Blushing Star Coral

(close up)
Stephanocoenia intersepta |
Orange Cup Coral
Invasive Species

(closed polyps)
Tubastraea coccinea |
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In response to a request to list 66 species of coral under the Endangered Species Act, NOAA conducted an in-depth evaluation of each species and determined that 20 of those species should be listed as threatened. This is in addition to the original two Acropora species listed in 2006.
Among those listed are three species of star coral that are prevalent on the Flower Garden Banks reefs--Orbicella annularis, Orbicella faveolata, Orbicella franksi.
Tube Anemones
Common Name |
Scientific Name |
Banded Tube-dwelling Anemone |
Arachnanthus nocturnus |
Calliactus tricolor |
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Common Name |
Scientific Name |
Sponge Zoanthid |
Parazoanthus parasiticus |
Zoanthus sp. |
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