R/V MANTA is an important tool for sanctuary research, but also serves as a regional asset.
Below are some of the highlights from R/V MANTA activities not specifically associated with sanctuary research cruises.
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Photo credits: FGBNMS unless otherwise noted
Preparations for New ROV
October 23, 2013
Operating a new ROV with improved technology required some upgrades to operating systems on board R/V MANTA. |
Camera Array Recovery
July 31-August 1, 2013
Earlier in the summer, a NOAA Fisheries camera array was lost off the Texas coast near Corpus Christi. R/V MANTA crew, sanctuary divers, and technical divers from Texas A&M Galveston were asked to recover the lost gear since they had the appropriate equipment and expertise for the job. |

The recovery crew. Photo: Blue Star Marine |

This camera array and all of its data were recovered from the Gulf of Mexico through a cooperative effort with TAMUG divers. |

Captains Mike and Darrell were instrumental in locating and recovering the lost camera array. Photo: Blue Star Marine |
July 15-16, 2013
MOCNESS, Multiple Opening and Closing Net with an Environmental Sensing System, is a high-tech sampling net that allows researchers to collect multiple samples from different sections of the ocean during a single haul. Each section of the sampling net can be independently opened or closed for sampling. Texas A&M University at Galveston deployed theirs for the first time using R/V MANTA. |

Assembling MOCNESS for testing on board R/V MANTA with
TAMUG biology students. |

Loading MOCNESS onto R/V MANTA. |
June 28, 2013
A team of scientists and technicians from the Geochemical and Environmental Research Group (GERG), Department of Oceanography, and Texas A&M-Galveston used the NOAA research vessel MANTA to test their new Slocum gliders. The yellow, missile-shaped devices are autonomous underwater vehicles that operate by using an internal pumping system to change the buoyancy, allowing it to move horizontally and vertically... Read More
Visit the TAMU GERG Gliders Facebook page to follow their work. |

Two Slocum underwater gliders stored in floor racks awaiting deployment from R/V MANTA |
June 10-14, 2013
The FGBNMS research team worked with partners from Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON), University of North Carolina at Wilmington (UNCW), and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), along with volunteers from Texas A&M University at Galveston, to characterize habitat that falls outside of BOEM's currently designated No Activity Zones in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico, but may contain potentially sensitive biological features (PSBF).
A remotely operated vehicle (ROV) was used to explore and document these locations over seven separate trips, collecting images that will be analyzed to help characterize habitat diversity.
The study visited a total of fourteen banks, including; 28 Fathom, 29 Fathom, Alderdice, Bouma, Bright, Elvers, Geyer, Horseshoe, McGrail, Parker, Rankin, Rezak, Sidner, and Sonnier. Now that data collection is complete, the FGBNMS research team will be working to process images for statistical analysis. |

This was the last trip for the Phantom S2 ROV on board R/V MANTA. This ROV has been a real workhorse for the sanctuary for many years. |

This is what the ROV "cockpit" looks like on board R/V MANTA. Several different displays and tools allow the pilot to operate effectively in unknown territory. |

This is a typical image taken during ROV operations at Bouma Bank. After the trip, each image was analyzed to identify all of the biology present. If you zoom in on this image you can see a couple of arms from a Pompom Sea Star just above the laser light markers. |

This diagnostic image of a Pompom Sea Star, taken on a previous ROV exploration, was used to help identify the Pompom Sea Star seen in the image from Bouma Bank to the left. |
Trip Prep
May 31, 2013
It's the little things that keep things running smoothly. Food, fuel, clean linens, etc. must all be taken care of before each trip. |

Deckhand Julia O'Hern fueling up R/V MANTA in
preparation for the next trip out. |
UT Geology Class
May 20-24, 2013
The University of Texas (UT) marine geology and geophysics field class used R/V MANTA to teach graduate and undergraduate students techniques in marine geology and geophysics
data collection with hands-on training, and collect background scientific data near Galveston, TX. Data collection
included use of a small MCS airgun/streamer system, CHIRP acoustic reflection, and gravity coring. |

CHIRP Sonar towfish used by UT students to learn more about bottom geology in the Gulf of Mexico. |

Students gathered around a computer in the dry lab to observe the sub-bottom profiling data being collected by the towfish. |

R/V MANTA backing into her slip at the TAMUG dock at the end of a day 3 with the UT students. |

Students retrieving the CHIRP towfish using the overhead winch on R/V MANTA. (Image: John Goff, UT Marine Geology) |

Students deploying a seismic streamer on day 4. (Image: John Goff, UT Marine Geology)

UT students hauling a seismic streamer back aboard R/V MANTA at the end of day 4. |

Captain Mike steers R/V MANTA away from the dock from an outside steering station at the start of day 5. |

Group photo of the May 2013 University of Texas Marine Geology and Geophysics Field Course participants along with captain and crew of the R/V MANTA. (Image: Nancy Ford, UT Marine Geology)
Vessel Maintenance
May 6-9 2013
Every year, R/V MANTA has to be pulled out of the water to remove encrusting growth from the hull and jets. Too much growth slows down the vessel and impedes jet functions. Sanctuary staff did all of the hard labor this year! |

R/V MANTA came out of the water on Monday. |

Jet drives needed a thorough cleaning. |

After a lot of scrubbing, pressure washing, and repainting, the jet drives were ready to go again. |

R/V MANTA was back in the water on Thursday, in record time. Way to go team! |
Boat Tours
R/V MANTA spends a lot of time at sea, but every once in a while we are able to take a small group on a tour when she is dockside. |

Home school students talked with LTJG Weekley about vessel operations 3/18/13. |

Boy Scouts toured the MANTA on 5/18/13 in preparation for a trip to Sea Base in Florida. |