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Throughout the Secrets of the Gulf Expedition, Dr. Robert Ballard and Immersion Presents aired several live broadcasts each day. Portions of these broadcasts and live-feed video images from the Argus ROV were sent from the Carolyn Chouest via satellite to the University of Rhode Island. From there they were distributed to a variety of other locations via satellite, Internet and Internet 2 to reach a larger audience. As a result, thousands of people across the country were able to follow along with the expedition as it was happening. Scientists on land were also able to view and comment on the ROV images in conjunction with the scientists on board the Carolyn Chouest.

Additional expedition images can be viewed at the following links:

Click on a picture below to see a larger, hi-resolution image. All images should be credited to Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary (FGBNMS).

Back deck of the Carolyn Chouest
Back deck of the Carolyn Chouest. The blue container at the upper left is the communication van. The green container to the right is the satellite van.

Satellite van on the deck of the Carolyn Chouest
Satellite van on the deck of the Carolyn Chouest. The trick was keeping the dish targeted on the satellite from the deck of a moving ship!

Inside the communications van on the deck of the Carolyn Chouest
Inside the communications van on the deck of the Carolyn Chouest.
Another section of the communications van on the Carolyn Chouest
Another section of the communications van on the Carolyn Chouest.
Posters and reference materials on the wall inside the communications van
Posters and other reference materials line the walls inside the communications van.
A work station inside the communications van
Tracking station inside the communications van. This was used to pinpoint the ship's location.
Live images from Argus being viewed from inside the communications van
Live images from Argus being viewed inside the communications van.
Transfer boat suspended from deck crane of the Carolyn Chouest
Transfer boat suspended from the deck crane of the Carolyn Chouest.
Transferring crew from another research vessel to the Carolyn Chouest
Emma Hickerson and Rachel Graham being transferred from another research vessel onto the Carolyn Chouest to do a live broadcast.
NR-1 at the surface in the Gulf of Mexico
Emma Hickerson (far left) and Dwight Coleman (2nd from left) participating in a live broadcast from the communications van on the Carolyn Chouest.
Production platfrom in the Gulf of Mexico
Production platform viewed from the deck of the Carolyn Chouest in the Gulf of Mexico.
Transferring crew from another research vessel to the Carolyn Chouest
Sunset in the Gulf of Mexico.

weather report observations cool stuff get wet

Juvenile blue tang (fish).  Bright yellow body with irridescent blue marking around eye and at top edge of dorsal fin.
National Marine Sanctuary logo - a stylized whale tail above waves