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This page of photos focuses on the U.S. Navy's NR-1 nuclear research submarine. At the start of the expedition, the sub was towed out to Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary by its support vessel the Carolyn Chouest. It then functioned on its own to conduct research at depth within the sanctuary and its surroundings, surfacing every few days to exchange scientific crew. This gave several different types of scientists the opportunity to make first hand observations of the sea floor and its varied habitats. The NR-1 was again towed behind the Carolyn Chouest for the return trip to Galveston.

Additional expedition images can be viewed at the following links:

Click on a picture below to see a larger, hi-resolution image. All unlabeled images should be credited to Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary (FGBNMS). All other images on this page should be credited to the Institute for Exploration and the University of Rhode Island Institute for Archeological Oceanography (IFE/URIIAO)

Submarine tow line spooled on deck of support vessel
Tow line spooled on the deck of the Carolyn Chouest. This line is used for towing the NR-1 behind the Carolyn Chouest. (IFE/URIIAO)
Attaching the tow line to the submarine
Connecting the tow line to NR-1. The large metal ball fits into a notch at the bow of the sub. (IFE/URIIAO)
Entry/exit ladder inside submarine
Looking up the narrow entry/exit ladder from inside the NR-1. (IFE/URIIAO)
Control console inside the NR-1 submarine
Control console inside the NR-1 submarine. (IFE/URIIAO)
Control console inside NR-1 submarine
Another view of the control console inside the NR-1 submarine. (IFE/URIIAO)
Dr. Ballard with Girls and Boys Club students
Close up view of the control console inside NR-1. (IFE/URIIAO)
NR-1 submarine surfacing in the sanctuary
The NR-1 submarine surfacing in the sanctuary. (IFE/URIIAO)
NR-1 at the surface in the Gulf of Mexico
NR-1 at the surface in the Gulf of Mexico.
Lowering small boat from Carolyn Chouest to transfer crew to/from the sub
Loading small boat from deck of the Carolyn Chouest to transfer crew to the NR-1.
Lowering transfer boat from Carolyn Chouest down to the water
Lowering transfer boat down to the water.
Transfer boat motoring over to submarine
Transfer boat motoring over to the NR-1 to exchange crew.
Transfer boat alongside submarine
Transfer boat alongside the NR-1.
Crew transferring from small boat to sub.
Crew transferring from small boat to the NR-1.
Transfer boat returning to the Carolyn Chouest
Transfer boat returning to the Carolyn Chouest.
NR-1 being towed behind the Carolyn Chouest
NR-1 being towed behind the Carolyn Chouest.

weather report observations cool stuff get wet

Juvenile blue tang (fish).  Bright yellow body with irridescent blue marking around eye and at top edge of dorsal fin.
National Marine Sanctuary logo - a stylized whale tail above waves