Notice of Intent for Expansion

Map showing 2007 SAC recommended banks and boundaries for expansion along with existing sanctuary boundaries
The 2007 Sanctuary Advisory Council recommendation for boundary expansion. Image: FGBNMS

On February 3, 2015, NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries announced a Notice of Intent to prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for possible expansion of Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary.

Public comments were accepted during the scoping period for this Notice of Intent, which ended on April 6, 2015. These comments were used to guide development of the alternatives for sanctuary expansion proposed in the DEIS released in June 2016.

Expansion Planning

Expansion of the sanctuary emerged as one of the top priority issues during a comprehensive review of the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary (FGBNMS) management plan. As a result, Sanctuary Expansion was one of six action plans included in the resulting management plan published in April 2012.

When FGBNMS was designated in 1992 and Stetson Bank was added in 1996, the boundaries were established based on best available information regarding biologically sensitive habitats. Subsequent advances in technology have revealed sensitive habitats between East and West Flower Garden Banks and around Stetson Bank that were not included within the original sanctuary boundary.

Bathymetric map of Stetson Bank showing the surrounding ring feature.
The ring feature around Stetson Bank, visible in this map, was unknown in 1996 when Stetson Bank was added to the sanctuary. Image: FGBNMS

Additional exploration in the northern Gulf of Mexico has identified other reefs and banks that may be ecologically linked to FGBNMS and may also be highly vulnerable to certain human impacts. Although many of these areas have some level of protection through other designations, inclusion in the sanctuary would provide a more comprehensive management framework to fill in the existing regulatory gaps and provide protection to these critical habitats.

Map showing sanctuary boundaries, HAPC zones, and no activity zones from Stetson Bank east to Geyer Bank.
Western section of the north central Gulf of Mexico showing existing management zones. Image: FGBNMS
Map showing sanctuary boundaries, HAPC zones, and no activity zones from Elvers Bank east to Jakkula Bank.
Eastern section of the north central Gulf of Mexico showing existing management zones. Image: FGBNMS

On May 9, 2012, the Flower Garden Banks Sanctuary Advisory Council unanimously recommended implementation of the Sanctuary Expansion Action Plan as soon as possible.

Scoping Meetings/Comments

NOAA accepted public comments through, by mail, and in person during public scoping meetings held in New Orleans, LA, Houston, TX, and Galveston, TX.

Although the public comment period has closed, all of the submitted comments may still be viewed at under docket number NOAA-NOS-2014-0154.

Press Release

Federal Register Notice (PDF)