Each of the voting members of the Sanctuary Advisory Council acts as a conduit for information between the sanctuary and a particular group of sanctuary users.
Below are examples of the criteria the council uses for selecting new members.
Conservation (2 seats)
- familiarity with marine or conservation issues and management approaches affecting the sanctuary;
- experience working with or representing conservation or environmental organizations, especially those involved with marine conservation;
- ability to communicate effectively with the broader conservation community in the sanctuary region; and
- commitment and availability of time to chair the council's Conservation Working Group, if needed
Dive Operations (2 seats)
- includes dive operators, dive shop owners/managers, dive operation employees, dive shop employees, dive travel organizers and dive club/organization representatives;
- familiarity and affiliation with dive related businesses in communities near the sanctuary;
- understanding of the links between sanctuary resources, dive related businesses, and human activities;
- ability and willingness to communicate with key representatives from the dive business; and
- commitment and availability of time to chair the council's Diving Operators Working Group, if needed
Recreational Diving (2 seats)
- includes anyone who is an active recreational diver with interest in the Flower Garden Banks;
- familiarity and affiliation with recreational divers in communities near the sanctuary;
- understanding of the links between sanctuary resources, recreational diving, and other human activities;
- ability and willingness to communicate with key representatives from the recreational dive community; and
- commitment and availability of time to chair the council's Recreational Diving Working Group, if needed
Education (2 seats)
- affiliation with educational institutions or organizations in the sanctuary region;
- ability to effectively communicate with multiple institutions and educators;
- direct experience with marine education programs;
- experience, ability, and availability to conduct educational outreach consistent with the goals of the sanctuary and the mission of the council; and
- commitment and availability of time to chair the council's Education Working Group, if needed
Energy (2 seats)
- familiarity and affiliation with local energy-related industries in communities near the sanctuary;
- understanding of the links between the energy industry, sanctuary resources, and human activities;
- ability and willingness to communicate with key representatives from the energy industry; and
- commitment and availability of time to chair the council's Energy Working Group, if needed
Commercial Fishing (2 seats)
- knowledge of commercial fishing activities (including head boats) within the sanctuary region;
- breadth of experience and knowledge regarding fisheries law, policies, and practices affecting the sanctuary;
- ability and willingness to communicate with key representatives from the commercial fishing industry (including head boats); and
- commitment and availability of time to chair the council's Commercial Fishing Working Group, if needed
Recreational Fishing (2 seats)
- knowledge of recreational fishing activities within the sanctuary region;
- breadth of experience and knowledge regarding fisheries law, policies, and practices affecting the sanctuary;
- ability and willingness to communicate with key representatives from the recreational fishing community; and
- commitment and availability of time to chair the council's Recreational Fishing Working Group, if needed
Research (2 seats)
- affiliation with scientific research institutions or organizations active in the sanctuary region;
- ability to effectively communicate with multiple institutions and scientists;
- direct experience with marine research programs;
- experience, ability, and availability to conduct outreach within the research community consistent with the goals of the sanctuary and the mission of the council; and
- commitment and availability of time to chair the council's Research Working Group, if needed